Condo ownership means regular maintenance and repair. But staying on top of you home and appliances is a great way to protect you from more troublesome and costly repairs down the road. While you may be aware of your immediate needs, you may not be familiar with why preventative maintenance is important. Here are 5 top reasons you should prioritize preventative home maintenance that you may not have considered.

1. HVAC checks
Don’t wait until a hot day to learn your AC is out. Or the dead of winter to find out your heater is busted. Preventative maintenance checks ensure that the climate of your house is controlled and comfortable and your vents are clear and running smoothly.
2. Registering your appliances and checking if they have been recalled
Faulty and recalled appliances cause problems, damage, and even deaths in homes.. Registering your appliances, checking them regularly, and ensuring they have not been recalled for safety concerns is the best way to protect yourself for damages and problems down the road.
3. Checking for leaks
Water does more damage to homes than anything else. Persistent leaks lead to mold and mildew, rot, and even termites and carpenter ants. As a condo owner, leaks are especially problematic if they leak down into homes below you. If you fix a leak soon after it starts, (or catch it before it happens) there may be no long-term damage at all. And that makes for very happy downstairs neighbors as well. 😉
4. Renew finish on hardwood floors
All wood floors need to be refinished eventually and periodically, but getting to the job before the old finish wears through will save you hassle and money in the long run. Early maintenance means you can apply a fresh coat without having to sand into the wood. By avoiding sanding, you can significantly extend the life of your floor.
5. Window weather stripping and seals
When weather stripping on doors and windows gets worn out, hot and cold air can sneak in causing a drafty home and higher HVAC costs. Weather stripping deteriorates due to age, friction, and exposure to the elements. It also can be damaged by people, pets, and pests. Inspecting your windows and doors to check for air leaks is essential to keeping your home in top form and your heating and cooling costs down.
BONUS REASON: You have your life to live!
Life is fast and complicated enough without having to worry about your dryer vent or ice maker maintenance. Let Arrive Home take your home maintenance worries off your hands with our Quarterly Maintenance Visits where we will perform our 45-Point Preventative Maintenance Checklist and ensure your home is in tip top shape.